Current research topics

Our research in the Energy Storage and Energy Systems lab at CREST spans across the energy field. Below you can find information about some of our ongoing research projects. We are also always interested in hearing about other interesting research areas!

ACAES with isobaric air storage

Adiabatic Compressed Air Energy Storage (ACAES) is a promising option for large-scale low-cost electricity storage which could store large amounts of renewable energy. In this project we are investigating the potential for isobaric high pressure air storage, allowing ACAES systems to become more efficient.

GB electricity dispatch with high renewables and storage

As more and more renewables are added to the GB electricity system, the way in which the system operates fundamentally changes. Here we model the effects of increasing amounts of wind and storage, aiming to discover the best operational practices and cost-effective policies going forwards.

Energy analytics for smarter energy systems

Many new energy-related datasets offer up the potential for a greater understanding of energy use. In this area, we analyse energy and energy-related datasets to find insights which can enhance the affordability, sustainability and reliability of the energy system.

Electricity forecasting at highly disaggregated levels

The electricity system is becoming highly decentralised, with consumers at the ends of the network employing generation and storage technologies. These technologies are invisible to grid operators, and when coupled with increased reliance on intermittent generation on the supply-side, mean that it is becoming more and more important to accurately forecast demand at a highly disaggregated levels.